How to Flip Furniture for  Profit

7 Tips to help you maximize profit and avoid costly mistakes.

If you’re looking for ways to generate some extra cash, flipping furniture is a great way to earn money. I’ll show you the best secrets for furniture flipping for profit.

Tip #1:  Don't buy the cheapest supplies out there.  You'll need to invest in a few quality materials to get the best results.

Tip #2:  Search the right places for your projects.  Facebook, your mom's house, friend's basement, thrift stores.

Tip #3:  Don't buy things you can't repair.  If it's in terrible shape, skip it.

Tip #4:  Stage your items before you sell. Take the extra step to make it look like gorgeous.

Tip #5:  Neutral colors sell faster in general.  That doesn't mean you can't use colors, but be prepared for it to take a bit longer to sell.

Tip #6:  Not everyone will love what you do and that's ok.  Painting wood makes some people angry but if you love it, do it!

Tip #7:  Don't get discouraged.  Do quality work and it will pay off.  You can make excellent money flipping furniture.  Check out the whole guide on the blog.