5 weeks and $100 for a playroom makeover! When you see the before pics, you’ll see why this room needed this challenge so badly! This room gets used all the time by my kids and it’s in desperate need of an overhaul. I’ll show you all the terrible before pics and my plans for how to fix it!
It seems kind of impossible at this moment. It has become overrun with toys that aren’t loved anymore, missing pieces, and furniture that just isn’t working for my kids anymore.
Erin from Lemons, Lavender, & Laundry started an amazing challenge several years ago that involves making over one space in your house for $100 or less. My kitchen makeover is the first room I did for this challenge – check out how far I got with $100 – it looks like a brand new kitchen!
Playroom Makeover Plans
This time around, I’m working on our playroom and it’s in desperate need of an overhaul. My kids are 10 and 7 now and it’s just not working for us anymore.
There are so many toys that my kids have outgrown and it’s the perfect time to make it more functional for them. It’s downstairs, just off our kitchen so it’s a great place for them to hang out and be near the rest of the family.
So here’s the plan for this challenge and don’t forget – I’ve only got $100 to work with.
- Paint the room
- Declutter the area
- DIY some kind of desk area for my kids to do art projects, homework, and build Legos
- Organize art supplies
- DIY a nerf gun wall
- Rearrange art work
- If the budget allows, I’m hoping to DIY some shelving for a small corner of the room
- Paint existing furniture
- Sell the furniture that is no longer working for the room
When I type out the list, it seems overwhelming and I’m not exactly sure what all I can do with the budget I have. But, it’s not called a challenge for nothing, right?
And what’s before and after without some pics? Don’t judge, it’s kind of scary. Unorganized and pretty chaotic.

I think the biggest impact will be paint. Simply put, we just chose the wrong color when we painted. We saw this color in a friend’s house and it looked amazing. In this room – not so amazing.
I don’t know if it’s the lighting or what, but instead of fun and cheery, it looks washed out and drab. Like someone smeared baby food on the walls.
So it’ll be out with the green and in with a new fresh coat of paint. Probably something in the white family because I’m hoping to add some fun pops of color with furniture and accessories.
Enough said. It’s overwhelming. Too much stuff they don’t play with. Little pieces that have long lost their friends. Games they’ve outgrown, barbies missing limbs and hair, broken crayons, dried up markers, coloring books that haven’t seen the light of day in years, and the list goes on.
It’s time to be ruthless with the decluttering. They can’t even move in here half the time which is silly.
Nerf Gun Wall
We have two pegboards in the garage that aren’t being used, so I’m planning to paint them and use them to store the ever-growing arsenal of nerf guns that are shoved in the bottom of the closet right now.

DIY Desk
We currently have a nursery table and tiny chairs that have been the most fabulous things ever for so many years. But, it’s just too small. They can’t fit their legs under the table anymore and it’s time for it to move on to another home to be loved.
I have plans to DIY some type of desk that functions for them better. And I need to organize their art supplies that are housed on top of the table and in a cabinet.

Rearrange Art Work
It’s become a hodgepodge of random stuff on the wall and I love showing off their projects and creations, but it can stand to be a little neater. Good news is we have plenty of stuff for the walls so it’ll be free!
There are currently three inexpensive book shelves in the room and none of them work perfectly for the space. If the budget allows, I’m hoping to DIY some corner shelves that will give us more room.
We have a door that opens to the room from the hall and then another door that opens from the downstairs bathroom. There’s not a whole lot of wall “real estate” to work with so the corner will be perfect for shelving. This one is last on my list though so we’ll see if it gets done.
Paint Existing Furniture
We have a very functional craft cabinet in this room and it’s staying for sure, but it could stand to be brightened up with some fun paint. I have a gorgeous blue color in my stash and I’m hoping to use it for this cabinet. I’ll spray the outdated knobs to give them a new look too.
There’s also an IKEA Expedit shelf that would look so much better with paint, so if time allows, that’ll get a coat of paint too. There are actually 2 of them shoved in the closet and they aren’t in the best shape, but they are still very functional. So they’re staying.

Sell Existing Furniture
I’m hoping to sell the nursery table and a book-case or two. They still have lots of life in them and it’s time to pass them on to someone else.
So that’s it. I hope you’re not too scared after seeing that hot mess of a room in all it’s glory. In 5 weeks, it’ll be a new room!
I’ve already started the decluttering process and man. There’s a lot of stuff. My kids helped me though and it was impressive how much stuff they are willing to part with.

And don’t forget to check out all the other amazing bloggers that are participating this time! Lots of inspiration headed your way for the next 5 weeks!
And you can see my first $100 makeover here – Thrifty Kitchen Makeover!

Monday 8th of January 2018
I love that you use the kids art work on the walls, so fun and personal. I can't wait to see this nerf gun wall...I have daughters so we didn't have nerf guns. Very intrigued by this idea though. It's so hard to get rid of stuff as they get older, even harder for them. That might be your biggest challenge. I can't wait to see how it turns out!
Tuesday 9th of January 2018
Thanks Wendy - and I love that we get to actually display some of the projects they bring home from school. That nerf gun wall is so needed - the closet is a hot mess of nerf bullets and random guns everywhere! And shocker, but my kids were so willing to part with stuff they don't use anymore. I was super impressed with them!
Saturday 6th of January 2018
I can't wait to see what you do with this room! I'm sure I'll borrow some ideas from you, because our playroom looks like yours. ;)
Tuesday 9th of January 2018
Thanks Jenny! I'm glad I'm not the only one that has a room like this!! I hope you find some ideas to borrow too!
Saturday 6th of January 2018
Melissa! All of your plans are so fun - I can't wait to see that Nerf gun wall! Can't wait to follow along!
Saturday 6th of January 2018
Thanks Kim! I've got some high hopes for sure! I'll be so excited not to see the mountain of nerf guns spilling onto the floor!
Friday 5th of January 2018
Hi Melissa,
Wow, it's been a while since we had a playroom. Now my girls are all grown up and the basement is filled with posters, dvds, several bottles of nail polish... It seems like yesterday they were playing with all those fun toys. Love your Nerf wall idea and I'm looking forward to seeing what else you do in the room.
Friday 5th of January 2018
Hi Patti! I'm trying to savor every moment. I feel like they were toddlers yesterday and it just flies by! I feel like I'll be right where you are in no time. Here's to hoping my ideas all pan out!
Friday 5th of January 2018
I can't wait to see what you do! Our playroom is in need of some serious help!!
Friday 5th of January 2018
I'll admit I was hesitant to show all those before pics! I honestly didn't realize how cluttered it was until I started looking at all the pics!