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Antique Side Table Makeover

This is a quick DIY project that I did because I had leftover paint from the DIY loft bed we completed recently. I bought this little antique table from a neighbor and initially painted it white, but it needed something else. So a quick paint job later and it’s a fresh and new now!

Pinterest graphic with text that reads \"Antique Table Makeover\" and the before and after of a white side table painted light teal.

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Antique Table Makeover

A teal antique side table with a wooden tray, a flower arrangement, and a green potted plant.
A white antique table in the corner of a room.
Close-up image of the top of a wooden table.

So this table was wood to start with. It’s definitely an antique but it’s still in great shape for its age. And with the little drawer for storage, it’s the perfect side table. I originally painted it white, but I wasn’t in love with it. Then a friend was going to use it in her new house so I left it white. Plans changed and it came back to me. It had a bit of yellowing on the top and some marker or crayon marks, but the white wasn’t working anyway so I knew I would repaint it.


Since I hadn’t sealed it with anything, I just painted right over the existing white latex paint. I cleaned it good and that was it. If it was still in the original stained condition, I would’ve sanded it and possibly primed it first.


A teal side table with decor in the corner of a room.

I had the joy of trying out Fusion Mineral paint for the first time when we did a semi DIY loft bed for our daughter. I had a small amount of Laurentien left over so that’s what I used for this little table makeover. Laurentien is a beautiful blue-green color. It’s bright, but not in your face bright, and it’ll go well with lots of decor styles.

I used a two-inch brush and painted two coats with about 3 hours of drying time in between.


I finished it with two coats of Fusion Tough Coat Wipe on Poly. I prefer to use a top coat with Fusion because it has a very matte, almost chalky finish to the paint. But, I don’t love that feeling so the top coat is perfect. One word of caution about the top coat that I learned the hard way. If you’re using it over white that has stained or dark wood underneath, make sure you prime the surface first. I didn’t prime the bed we painted and the wood that wasn’t new immediately had a yellowing/brown effect after I added the top coat.

And that’s it. A simple little DIY project that was done in an afternoon. This antique table makeover is perfect for this piece. It’s updated, smells clean, and it’ll make a great addition to any decor style.

This is what I love about buying second-hand furniture. With a little paint and DIY effort, you can make it your own style. 

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Pinterest graphic with text that reads \"Before and After Table Makeover\" and a collage showing the transformation of a table going from white to teal.