If you’re looking to expand your garden area this year but feel as though there just isn’t enough space to make it happen, it’s time to think outside the box. The term “garden” doesn’t mean that it necessarily has to be in the ground. Adding vegetables to grow in pots for your spring and summer …
Gardening and Planting
For areas in your yard that get full sun (meaning 6+ hours a day of sunlight), there is no shortage of gorgeous full sun annuals you can plant. And the best part about these beautiful annual flowers and plants is they are generally inexpensive and widely available. This means you can load up your yard …
Are you searching for some tips on low maintenance perennials that require minimal effort but produce beautiful plants and flowers year after year? If so, you’ve arrived at the right place. And no matter if your thumb is actually “green” or not, you’re going to get some great tips and answers from this informative post.
If you’re thinking of starting a garden, you’ve likely seen the options for building your own raised beds. There are endless designs, sizes, and also tons of wood choices. However, you want to make sure you pick the right materials to give you the best results. Here are the choices of the best wood for …
Whether you have acres of land or a tiny patio, there are plenty of garden project ideas for all budgets and skill levels. And gardening isn’t limited to rows of veggies. Container gardening, growing vegetables, DIYs, flower gardening, plants, and other amazing ideas you’ll love.
These decorative planters are easy, cheap, and quick to make. You can turn an otherwise boring old plastic trash can and a basic terra cotta pot into pretty planters for the cost of a can of spray paint. Add some inexpensive plants and you’ll be done with this project in about an hour!
If you need some ideas for the easiest flowers to grow, look no further! There are so many varieties that you can find at any garden center for very little money that won’t take a lot of gardening skill or effort. I love plants and flowers, but I also have a budget. And these affordable …
Butterflies and hummingbirds, in addition to being beautiful creatures, are beneficial to your garden or landscape in more ways than just being a pretty face. Pollination, pest control, and a food source for other creatures are just a few of the benefits. Lure them in with these beautiful plants that attract butterflies and hummingbirds!
Just because it’s too cold or too hot outside doesn’t mean you can’t have some amazing greenery inside! I don’t have much of a “green thumb”, but I love the way plants make a space look bright and cheery no matter the temps outside. So indoor plants for me have to be very forgiving! Add …
If you want serious bloom for your buck this Spring and Summer, you’ll want to add these beauties to your landscape this year. I’m admittedly a lazy gardener. I want to buy some plants, throw them in the ground, and enjoy pretty flowers all season. That’s just what you’ll get with these long blooming flowers …
If you’re looking for ideas for fast growing evergreen trees and shrubs, this post is for you! When you’re adding plants, it can get expensive. You want to make sure you are getting the most value for your money as well as quick results. And bonus points if they stay green all year! Check out …
I know we mostly think of flowers and gardens when spring comes, but there are plenty of beautiful fall flowers to plant that will add variety and color this year. Get started with these amazing fall flowers to add to your yard.
If you’re looking for quick privacy and shade, check out this list of fast growing privacy trees. These trees will grow quickly and won’t take decades to provide shelter as well as keep the neighbors from spying on you. So what do you plant that’ll grow quickly to give you some privacy as well as …
If you need plants that return year after year, you will love these gorgeous perennial flowers. This kind of flower gardening is perfect for those of us that don’t have hours to devote to the yard each day. Perennials are the staples of your yard. Once they are in place, you can just maintain them.
This is a quick and easy DIY project that gives back! Pick some of your favorite herbs and make your own DIY Indoor Herb Garden! All you need are a few basic supplies and your herbs and then sit back and watch them grow. Growing your own herbs, plus it’s pretty cute, this project is …