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Bathroom Plants That Absorb Moisture

Bathroom plant sounds like a bizarre term, but if you love houseplants, you know you’ll put them just about anywhere. And most bathrooms are full of humidity. There are several varieties of houseplants that will thrive in your humidity-filled bathroom. So what are the bathroom plants that absorb moisture?

House plants are not only good for decorating but also good for decreasing humidity in your home, especially your bathroom. A few of these include Pothos, Snake Plants, Boston Ferns, and Parlor Palms that you can easily grow.

And before you panic – no, you don’t need to be an expert gardener or have a green thumb to get these plants to thrive. It’s possible to have a gorgeous plant without putting a ton of effort into it. The key is picking the kinds of plants that are good for particular areas and don’t need your constant attention.

Pay attention to light requirements, soil requirements, and water requirements. Particularly when you are looking for bathroom plants, water requirements are important.

And of course, these aren’t specific to a bathroom, but that’s the room in most of our homes that has the most humidity.

For more indoor plant suggestions:

Indoor Plants that Can Take Cold Temperatures

Indoor Plants You Can Keep Alive!

Grow an Herb Garden Inside

Bathroom Plants That Absorb Moisture – Where to Buy

There are several reputable places to purchase indoor houseplants if you don’t have a nearby garden center or nursery.

  • MyPerfectPlants is another choice that sells indoor and outdoor plants. And they offer free shipping on orders over $119.
  • Nature Hills Nursery is another fantastic option for all your plant needs and wants. They have an endless selection of indoor and outdoor plants.

What about Light Requirements for Bathroom Plants?

Most houseplants require at least a small amount of light. So if you’ve got an interior bathroom without a window, it may be a bit tougher to find the right plant.

Do Plants Actually Absorb Condensation?

Yes – they absorb moisture through what’s called stomata and it can then get down to your plant’s roots. Kinda like your plant taking a drink without you giving it to them. However, most plants will still require watering the typical way through their root system.

So having plants in your bathroom will help with humidity, but may not be enough to sustain the plant. However, there are many that can thrive on neglect which is helpful if you’re like me and forget to water. And, bonus – most of these are easy to find and affordable as well!

What is the Best Potting Soil For Indoor Plants?

There are many brands of potting soil for indoor plants. These contain ingredients that help with moisture, airflow, and nutrients for your plant. Look for ingredients such as vermiculite, perlite, peat, bark, etc.

If you have a succulent or cactus, these tend to prefer specific soils for their low watering needs.

I’ve got a great list at the end of the article for all the supplies you need for thriving plants.

Spider Plant

Spider plant in a pot

Spider Plants are not only great for absorbing moisture in the bathroom, but they look amazing as well. These plants have spindly-looking leaves and produce clusters of “pups” which you can use to produce more plants if you wish.

These plants are fast growers and you might need to repot them every few years so they don’t become pot bound.

Place them in indirect sunlight in a planter or a hanging basket and enjoy them for years to come.

Snake Plant

Snake plant in a pot

Snake plants (also called mother-in-law’s tongue) are one of my absolute favorites to grow. They’re so easy and perfect if you’re a beginner houseplant owner. You cannot mess these up.

Not only are they easy to establish, but they’re easy to maintain. You don’t have to give these a ton of attention.

Water them only when the soil is dry and they can survive in lower light conditions, making them a great choice for a bathroom plant to absorb moisture.

Snake plants also love to be pot-bound so you don’t have to repot them often. When they sprout new pups, you can easily separate them into newer plants. Just remove your plant from the pot, take off a smaller sprout and add to a new pot. Simple as that.


pothos plant

Another favorite and one of the best indoor plants for beginners is a Pothos plant. Trust me – if you don’t know where to start, a Pothos is an excellent choice.

Indirect sunlight is perfect and only water when your soil feels dry or the leaves start to look droopy. You’ll have a gorgeous trailing plant in no time.

Another benefit of the Pothos plant is you don’t have to worry about repotting them often. They’re quite content in the same pot for years to come.

These plants have glossy green foliage that will grow in a trailing fashion which makes them optimal for planters or hanging baskets.

Boston Fern

boston fern - plants that absorb humidity

If you’ve got the space, a Boston Fern could be a show stopper in your bathroom or any other area in your house. Typically, we think of ferns hanging on porches or on the forest floor, but they make great indoor plants.

They need humidity and bright indirect sunlight to thrive. Hang them in a corner as long as it doesn’t get too chilly there.

Don’t let these dry out though – they need to be watered more than some other plants. Make sure to give them a good soaking each time you water them – about once a week. You can find a planter with a tray that you can add pebbles to and it’ll help with moisture needs.

If you start to notice yellowing leaves, you may be watering too often. They don’t like to sit in soggy soil.

Parlor Palm

parlor palm

Parlor Palms will love the humidity of a bathroom. They are a smaller species of palms so they’ll fit right onto your bathroom counter.

They can also thrive with lower light requirements. In fact, these don’t want to live in direct sunlight or right in a window or their foliage can burn.

Use potting soil mixed with perlite for adequate drainage and only water when the top two inches of soil feel dry.

Peace Lily

peace lily

Peace Lily plants are beautiful plants with glossy green leaves and they produce white flowers. Be aware that peace lilies contain a substance called calcium oxalate which can be toxic if ingested. Keep them clear of pets and children.

They prefer indirect sunlight and will love a window that doesn’t get sun all day long. You can divide them and grow new plants as well.

Peace lilies will become droopy if they need watering, so you’ll know when it’s time to give them a drink.


Azalea - a bathroom plant that absorbs moisture

Azaleas don’t come to mind when most people think of indoor plants, but they can be grown inside with proper care. And you get the benefit of beautiful blooms as well.

Indoor azaleas may not be ideal for beginners or if you tend to neglect your plants. They do not like to dry out, but they don’t want soggy soil either. It might take some trial and error for optimal growth. These are a bit more high maintenance than some of the others on the list.

However, they do prefer cooler temps – around 60-65 degrees F to bloom adequately, but they do love the humidity of a bathroom. I tend to keep my house much warmer, so this is one I don’t have indoors.

Aloe Plant

aloe plant

Aloe plants are another succulent option that will be great in your home. They are not finicky plants and don’t need lots of attention.

These are a good choice for bathroom plants that absorb moisture because they can thrive and actually prefer lower indirect light.

Use a succulent potting mix to ensure good drainage and only water when the soil feels dry.

Aloe is also great for minor burns – break open a stem and use the gel inside for relief.

Plants that Absorb Moisture – What’s the Easiest to Keep Alive?

In my opinion, you can’t go wrong with either a Snake Plant or a Pothos. These two plants are notorious for surviving in neglectful conditions.

I’ve had the same Pothos plant in my home for over 15 years!! And it’s survived on plenty of neglect. We’ve forgotten to water it, the pot got knocked over and broken, and it’s moved spaces several times. But when it looked the best was in the bathroom with a window.

Snake Plants are another one of my absolute favorite houseplants. They can survive in low light, low water conditions, and they can easily be divided into more plants. And you don’t need a huge pot for it either making it great for a bathroom area that isn’t that large.

Let me know if you have a favorite! And hopefully, you’ve found the perfect solution for absorbing moisture and decreasing humidity in your bathroom with plants!

Helpful Products for Growing Indoor Plants

Indoor Houseplant Materials

Indoor houseplant soils and growing mediums for optimum indoor plant health and growth.

Image with text: plants that absorb moisture


Friday 19th of July 2024

Thank you so much for sharing, after having to have professional mold removal in my bathroom, I remodeled and I want to make sure I have plants in there that love the moisture.


Sunday 17th of March 2024

Ty so much I love my plants this is very helpful